MX2 in Frauenfeld

Team Dragon IMGS

It was a good step forward this weekend in Frauenfeld... I signed two solids races. In the first one, with a 14th laptime, i did a bad start but i managed with a good rythm to come back 13th. Second moto, better start but after few an injured rider made to restart the race and i took a really bad in the second start and needed to fight from far to come back. I pushed really hard and finished 10th. Finally got the top ten. I'm really happy because i had the speed and the work is starting to pay. Still far from my goal but i just keep my hard work.



AMA Motocross
Championnat de France Elite
Motocross Club des Meyrinos
Everts School
Federation Francaise de Motocyclisme

Federation Motocycliste Suisse
Moto GP
MX Agora