Last MX2 in Amriswil

Team Dragon IMGS

Last MX2 in Amriswil ended with a good improvement. Arrived 10th same points with others riders, i had to fight to keep this position during this weekend. I did good well despite a bad start in the first moto and few crashes. I had a good speed both motos and i battled hard to finally 10th and 12th. These last two results gave me the 8th place in the overall for 2017. I couldn't hoped better.  I'm globaly happy for my season there is a big improvement but i need to work to be regular each race to be in the front pack. Thanks everyone who gave me the opportunity to do my sport. Also my sponsors and my team.



AMA Motocross
Championnat de France Elite
Motocross Club des Meyrinos
Everts School
Federation Francaise de Motocyclisme

Federation Motocycliste Suisse
Moto GP
MX Agora