Second round in Wohlen

Team Dragon IMGS

Second race in Wohlen. New track there. Never been before. I did tenth for the qualify in a muddy track really happy because i can have a good place on the grid. First moto, did a great start i was in the top ten during a while but i missed a ruts and almost crashed then some riders passed me. I finished 14th. Second moto, did a mistake with the gear and lost some speed. I was then in the last. I tried to be focus and had a good speed but it took me some laps. I also had problem with my google and decided to removed them. Much better and i finished 16th. Even all this, i’m really satisfied about my race. I do points for the championship and i’m twentieth for the overall for now.



AMA Motocross
Championnat de France Elite
Motocross Club des Meyrinos
Everts School
Federation Francaise de Motocyclisme

Federation Motocycliste Suisse
Moto GP
MX Agora